
With this week being Child Safety Week we decided to draft in the experts. So grab a cuppa and take a look


What is your title?

Hi 😊 We are The Danger Squad and we go to school at The Danger Academy. Our names are Dan, Aisha, Nicky, George, Edward & Ruby. We also have a special dog called Scarlett. Scarlett is a sniffer-dog!

Did you work out that our names spell DANGER?!


What is The Danger Squad?

We provide fun-filled Safety Courses for Kids, with a Retail range of Safety Merch & Easy-Readers teaching children Emergency Awareness, Preparedness & Response.

Our courses range from Lower Primary to Upper Primary, including specialised Year 6 Transitional Squad Training – preparing children for the new emergencies they may face when going to Secondary School.

From September 2019 we will also offer a Serious Crime & Violence Reduction course for upper KS2, specialising in: Grooming, Weapons, Cyber Safety, Drugs, Gangs & Radicalisation.

How long have you been in The Danger Squad and why did you want to join?

We have been in The Danger Squad for almost two years now – we started school when we were just 5! Some of us often get into Emergency Situations so the rest of us have to help them Stay Safe! Dan, Aisha & Nicky are always getting into mischief – Dan has ADHD and often wanders off, Aisha doesn’t listen to instructions very well and is always hurting herself and Nicky won’t listen to grown-ups because she thinks she knows better.

Luckily, George, Edward and Ruby are far more sensible and always know what to do in an Emergency. George is super smart, and he knows all the Safe Signs, Safe Places, Safe People & Safe Steps. Edward is our Facts and Stats expert; he always knows the latest figures and current News. Lastly, Ruby is always prepared for anything to happen – she has everything you could possibly need to Stay Safe in her rucksack. Scarlett is Ruby’s pet dog.


What is the best thing about being in The Danger Squad?

Our favourite thing is visiting schools around the UK and meeting all our Squaddies. Our classroom sessions are very popular, not only do Squaddies get to learn lots of cool things, they also win prizes and get to take home a Squadtastic Graduation Pack!

How can you benefit parents and children?

In wake of recent tragedies including the Manchester and London Attacks, Grenfell Tower Fire, and with weapon & violent attacks on the rise in the UK, The Danger Squad is now needed   more   than ever!

It is an unfortunate reality that children today could come across any kind of emergency situation, from losing their parents when shopping, to being caught in the middle of a major incident.

One of the inspirations behind the development of the programme was a young boy who found a   gun in his home.  He didn’t know what to do but with the help of The Danger Squad, our aim is to   give children the understanding, awareness and tools they need.

The programme doesn’t use shock tactics, but gently introduces children to some of the emergency   situations that they or their peers could face – and most importantly how to respond to them in the correct way using safe steps and being aware of safe people, safe places and safe signs.

What does a day In the life of The Danger Squad normally look like?

The Danger Squad could be on Tour visiting schools or youth organisations or we could be at a local event near you!

We often have pop-up stalls at fairs, markets and child/youth events.

Over Summer we will be in Dagenham, Romford, Shepherds Bush, Essex and Waltham Forest – keep an eye on our Social Media for details.

It is Edward’s job to tell us the News everyday to we make sure we know what’s happening to Squaddies around the globe! We also have do our Free Online Learning Lessons for everyone. Sometimes, we go on really cool Emergency Missions to work with other people too! Next month we will be working with The Met Police at their Junior Citizen week! Squadtastic!

We have new website launching this month – subscribe here now to be the first to hear all our news – www.thedangersquad.org/

In the meantime you can follow us, make an enquiry or place an order across all Social Media channels.


Facebook – @dangersquaddies

Instagram – @dangersquaddiesuk

Twitter – @dangersquaddies