Our fantastic Token Tile Case is as multi-functional as it is attractive. Alongside our ever- developing range of Token Tiles the case can be utilised to meet a variety of needs.
Using this product bedtimes and mornings become less hectic and more rewarding. As a Visual Timetable the Tiles can be followed to encourage independence and impart a sense of achievement.
Alternatively, Tiles can be placed into the case as and when particular steps have been completed. If your child prefers a set routine, knowing what will happen and in what order, Token Tiles will help them feel prepared for how their day will develop.
Our product can also be used as a Focus Case. If your child has a goal to work towards the Token Tile Case acts as a visual reminder to keep them assured and on track.
Another use for our Tile Case is to celebrate achievements. Once a daily goal is met, place the Tile in the Case to reward your child and encourage a new habit.